Ayr Branch BCSS

February 2009 Meeting &

Plant of the Month Competition

AGM and Society Slides

Our AGM went well, with one new member on the committee, Ms May Armour. Mrs M Frew has become our Show convener.

After the tea break we had some excellent Society Slides, given to the society by the late Sonia Barker- Fricker. The slides were mainly on Dudleyas. She took thousands of photographs on her travels and these talks have become a legend from Cornwall to Scotland, so it was a privilege to see these slides of some beautiful scenery.

We all enjoyed seeing these slides, it is just a pity that Sonia is not still with us to show some more of these plants that we do not see much of. Overall there were 126 slides all taken with care, it was a good evening.

Plant of the Month Pictures - Lobivia

High resolution versions of the photos are also available if desired.

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